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Living with Anxiety Disorder | Face Your Fears


Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) often turns everyday social situations into daunting tasks for those living with it. It is more than just shyness or nervousness; it’s an intense fear triggered by certain social situations. It can lead to people with social anxiety feeling judged or rejected by others, causing severe anxiety. This article provides practical strategies and coping skills to help manage your anxiety and overcome the challenges posed by this mental health condition.


Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) often turns everyday social situations into daunting tasks for those living with it

Understanding Anxiety Disorder

Social Anxiety Disorder in adults and adolescents is a persistent fear of one or more social situations where the individual may feel scrutinized by others. It involves worrying excessively about acting inappropriately or embarrassingly, leading to negative thoughts that can be debilitating.

Symptoms of Anxiety Disorder

The symptoms of social anxiety disorder are wide-ranging and can manifest both physically and emotionally. Anxiety symptoms might include rapid heart rate, trembling hands, dry mouth, nausea, or even panic attacks when confronted with feared social situations. People with social anxiety tend to avoid specific social situations due to their apprehensions, leading to a vicious cycle of avoidance behavior.

Social Anxiety in the Modern World | Dr. Fallon Goodman | TEDxUSF“Social anxiety is a hefty burden not just on individuals, but society as a whole. Here’s the problem—the trendlines are all going in the wrong direction. Each year, more people experience frequent and intense social anxiety. Yet, we know surprisingly little about what social anxiety. . .”

Coping with Anxiety: Six Practical Strategies

1. Exposure Therapy

This involves gradually and repeatedly facing the social situations you’re afraid of. Start small; for example, eating in public, and as your confidence grows, expose yourself to more challenging situations.

2. Healthy Lifestyle Choices

Regular physical activity, adequate sleep, and a balanced diet can contribute to better overall mental health and anxiety relief.

3. Mindful Listening

Focusing fully on the other person’s words and responding thoughtfully can create more meaningful connections and reduce nervousness associated with social interactions.

4. Body Language Awareness

Practice maintaining a relaxed and open posture, which can help you feel and appear more confident.

5. Safety Plan

Having a safety plan, like identifying exits when you enter new spaces, can provide a sense of control over the situation and make your anxiety worse.

6. Regularly Challenge Yourself

Step out of your comfort zone by attending social events or starting a conversation with a stranger. Every time you face your fears, you’re taking a step toward overcoming your social anxiety.

How to overcome social anxiety disorder – Doctor Ali Mattu

Getting Help and Support

Effective management of Social Anxiety Disorder often requires professional help alongside self-care practices:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): This psychological treatment for social anxiety helps you identify and challenge negative thoughts that heighten anxiety symptoms. Relaxation techniques and breathing exercises in CBT can help manage physical symptoms of anxiety.
  • Joining Support Groups: Sharing your experiences and hearing others’ stories can provide inspiration and practical advice for managing your own anxiety and depression related to SAD.
  • Medication: In some cases, medication may be recommended by a mental health professional alongside CBT or other forms of therapy to reduce symptoms of anxiety.

Recommended Articles on Social Anxiety Disorder

Living with SAD doesn’t mean you have social anxiety for life. With the right strategies, professional help, and support, you can navigate social situations with greater ease and confidence. Be patient with yourself throughout this process – every step forward is a victory.